Saturday 13 November 2010

Graphic Systems Evaluation

For this project I had to redesign a series of six books for an author. Out of the seven I was able to choose from, Bill Bryson was the one that appealed to me the most. I had never read any of his books, but I really liked the titles of them and the content seemed to be really fun to read.
I also liked the fact that most of his books are related to travelling so used this as a t­heme.
I set myself an objective for this project, which was to make the covers more attractive and fun and therefore more appealing to a younger audience. I became quite interested in reading the books, as I only found positive comments about them during my research stage.
As the main thing to focus on was to create a system that could run through all of the covers, I immediately started thinking about ways that I could make the layout look consistent, with the designs tying  in nicely together.
I used illustrations, but again, I wanted to use something that would able to be used for all of the designs. I decided to use simple black silhouette drawings that I created on Illustrator. The reason behind this is that I wanted something that looked fun but didn’t look too childish. Also, in terms of the colour palette, I didn’t want the illustrations to be too colourful.
The illustrations run across the back and front of all the books and work as a narrative for his travelling. They represent the places he has visited, more specifically monuments and buildings, as he comments quite a lot about that in his books. At the beginning of each cover design there is a silhouette of Bill Bryson, which represents him starting his journey, or in other words a new adventure! I think people tend to forget the back of the book when designing a cover so I thought it would be interesting to use this space to play with illustrations.
The spine of the book, which is also very important, has Bill Bryson’s name and the title of book and part of the illustration running through the bottom. I also placed Bill Bryson’s silhouette on the spine as I made this like a little feauture to this series.
With regards to the colour scheme, as his books are related to ‘fun’, I wanted to make sure I transmitted this in my designs. Each cover has a different colour which is appropriately related to the country in question. I chose tones that all work well as a set.
Again, when it came to the choice of typography, I made sure that it portrayed Bill Bryson's personality and style of books as well as I could. Partway through the project  I realized that the font I wanted to use was protected, meaning  I wouldn’t be able to print my work, so I decided to use my second choice which worked as well as the other one.
I used a different font for the text on the back of the book, making it attractive and easy to read.
All the text is positioned in the same place, which helps the layouts work consistently as a set.

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